Rep It Up


Episode Summary

On this episode of the Rep It Up Podcast we talk to the Warrior herself, Christine Coen. Christine is both a Registered Dietician and Certified Personal Trainer and has used her own struggles with diet and depression to empower women to take charge of their lives.

Episode Notes

Over the last 10 years as a NYC based Registered Dietitian & fitness professional, Christine Coen has transformed her practice from a traditional weight loss & aesthetic focus into a convergence of the powerful impact of movement & nutrition on mental health.  Christine’s own battle & eventual overcoming of depression, anxiety, & emotional eating sparked this change, as movement became her “anti-depressant” and was a major catalyst in her recovery.  

Today, coaching women to take empowered action & move their body every day to improve mental wellbeing, boost energy & mood has allowed her to help many clients struggling with depression, anxiety, and overeating issues.  Her non-diet approach to health, where weight loss focus is actually put on the back-burner, has surprisingly increased the success her clients have- mentally & physically. Her 6 month group coaching program, The Warrior Evolution, & her daily 22 Minute Warrior Workout are two ways she works with people to help them discover their deeper meaning for improving their wellbeing & create a solid action plan incorporating 4 pillars- movement, nourishment, fuel & mindset.

Get in touch with Christine:

